Where do we begin and end with all the thanks due to our God and the kind people who made the 2023 Tehillah season the blessing that it was?
So MANY people pulled together for God’s glory, and to support artistic music, family, friends, and strangers.
We are grateful.
This is not an exhaustive list, however, we extend our thanks to:
- God, the giver of all good
- Dan, our Artistic Director who brings so much experience and grounding to our group
- Seth, our capable tour director who managed countless details and contacts
- YOU, reader, for your attention and interest
- Aaron, our Administrator who handled the finances of the group and more
- Rachel, our PR Assistant who created and oversaw our publicity materials/efforts
- Joe, our faithful bus driver (for three separate years!)
- Sharayah, Keiana, and Jean who nannied for the families on tour
- Tom, who managed our PR table at each concert
- Kendrick, our recording engineer
- Julian, who manages our website
- MANY people who graciously hosted us and fed us delicious food
- Leanne, (LB.PHOTOS) who took our 2023 photos
- The men of Tehillah who shared daily devotional times and prep times prior to concerts
- Host congregations that allowed us to use their spaces
- Spouses and families of singing members that sacrificed in many ways
- Ensemble members who served on necessary committees: luggage, bus cleaning, uniforms, etc.
Collaboration and working together is a beautiful thing that goes far beyond what one person can do on their own. Choral music is an excellent showcase of this truth. Just like it takes each of our sixteen members to create our ensemble’s harmony, it takes a “small army” of folks to create a successful singing season (and more!).
To Christ: Our Praise, we are thankful.
P.S. Stay tuned as we have some announcements in the works!